
OffGrid Crypto Wallet.

A lot of individuals seem to be concerned with the ‘double spend’ from the inability to authenticate transactions while offline. Essentially, the solution for this might be relatively simple. Imagine you have your phone and that becomes your physical wallet and like a bank deposit you can transfer physical cash into your physical wallet by going to an ATM. Now instead of individual physical cash you just download your digital currency natively on your phone so that you can use it offline or have complete anonymity. The transaction will be carried out on bluetooth between two native phone wallets.

The concept works exactly like a cashiers check or physical form of cash. Your balance of coins is reduced by the amount you chose to store locally on your phone.

There would have to be some availability of a storage way to keep these coins that does not require internet so think of the fact you have photos on your phone. Often times when I am on the tube (subway) I just scroll through my photos when I am bored and cannot listen to music (as I don’t to save local songs on my phone).

An app that would allow you to natively store cryptocurrency on your phone would be the first step. Of course I’m sure with even the slightest amount of googling I am likely to find that this already exists.
