
Universal basic income adjusted.

I want to revisit this thought at some point. The conversation of universal basic income (UBI) has become an increasingly prevailing one while on the frontier of new form economics. To tie this together, I think a lot about modern monetary theory (MMT), which relies on inflation to essentially wipe away all our past debt… I tend to disagree and would envision a hyperinflation scenario, but I have to be missing something as far more intellectually savvy economist professionals must have thought this through. I do not understand how this implements successfully without completely imploding in a place like America where individualism and capitalism is paramount to the fabric of society. America likes failure (no participation award mentality), unless of course, it is a big bank, insurer, oil company, etc. etc. However, we may find ourselves in a drift dystopia and in need of universal basic decency. Sorry for a dark Monday post and a ‘dear diary’ moment.


